Saturday 7 February 2009

LEXIMO: The social dictionary

Hello pupils! I have just discovered a new social web for those who love learning vocabulary in different languages. Its name is Leximo and I think it is quite a thrilling idea. Below you have the words of the administrators of the site explaining the philosophy behind this new invention. Feel curious and give it a go. You may find it exciting: making friends by giving away pieces of your own language. You will even learn new vocabulary. Don't you reckon? Looking forward to your feedback.

Leximo is a “Social Dictionary” that invites users to submit words in every spoken language of the world. Since each word can be submitted by multiple users, definitions can vary widely in quality and thus other users can rank these definitions, so that the most popular definitions appear first.

The goals of Leximo are to:

  1. Formulate a vision in which Leximo is free and open to all users.
  2. Appeal to people who have an interest in world languages, culture and travel.
  3. Allow the contributions of users to directly translate into the advancement of Leximo.
  4. Bring together people of different ideologies, races, beliefs and cultures.



It's an exotic way of making friends, jejeje

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