Tips for any speaking test
First, I would like to thank Eva Suárez from EOI Santa María de Guía for pointing out to this web site. The Bristish Council is a well reputed institution devoted to, among other things, making the British culture and language accesible to the rest of the world. One of their aims is to provide useful materials to help English Language learners (LearnEnglish). Also, they provide tips to be used when sitting an exam and this si what you will find when you click on the link below: tips in the form of videos to assist preparig and facing a speaking test. Thes videos come with comments on dos and don'ts and the transcripts to make it easier to understand what is said.
If you decide to follow the link, do no miss the opportunity of surfing the site. It's worth the time!
IELTS Interview Skills | LearnEnglish | British Council